
30 June: very nice, unique color, scrawny, insect damaged leaves.

15 July: nice foliage, few flowers, slow to flower after dead heading, like the flower but sort of lost among foliage, blooms not readily visible among foliage, good flower color but it gets lost in foliage, not very showy, compact.

30 July: best in series, love the color, responded well to deadhead, full of color again, nice, deep, rich color, only one plant nicely filled out, nice reblooming, nice flower color, but overall needs more plants in plot, some plants more prolific than others, better color.

15 Aug: novel color, lots of color, lots of flowers, very uniform, old florets distract, deep color contrasts nicely with foliage.

30 Aug: still prime, burnt, deadhead, still many flowers, good color contrast, leaves have holes, prolific bloomer.

15 Sept: deadhead, pretty even color for late Sept, lots of flowers, holding up well, colorful, compact plant.